Monday, February 16, 2009

Jesus, Lover of Our Souls

"He [Jesus] took Peter, James, and John along with him, and he began to be deeply distressed and troubled.  'My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death,' he said to them."
Mark 14:33-34

You know those times when your soul is so impregnated with pain it feels like it is about to burst?  In these moments you realize your body is unaccustomed to such pain and it's too finite and weak to deal with the sorrow.  Desperately, you try to release the pain, to let your soul somehow seep out of your body to a place where it can expand with the grief that overwhelms it.  But such attempts are futile.  Your body and your soul are inexplicably intertwined.  You cannot escape your pain.

Jesus knows how that feels.  


  1. I am so glad your mom put your blog site on the family annual letter so I could come here. I have SO loved reading your blog the past few weeks. You have a refreshing way of sharing your thoughts and I enjoy your writing, am challenged and encouraged by your contemplation and thankful for the fellowship we have in our Lord Jesus. As I am rocking David to sleep for naps I often read my favorite blogs and yours is now one of mine. Thanks for being someone who encourages me as a fellow lover and follower of Jesus!

  2. i agree! sarah, you have a way of ministering with your writing that i love and cherish. i am so glad that we are friends. Ahh!
    by the way- this was a rockin' blog!
