Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS) Video Series

My friends,

As I have blogged about the healing I've experienced using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS) throughout the last 14 months, I have had many people reach out to me with questions about the program. There has been so much interest that I have been unable to engage everyone's questions.

And so, I have made a video series answering the questions I get asked the most.

My hope is that you can share these videos with your friends and family who may benefit from DNRS.

The series contains four videos.

The first describes my health history; the second explains what DNRS is; the third describes my progress using DNRS; and the fourth answers frequently asked questions.

I hope these will be helpful to you and your loved ones with Lyme, POTS, ME, fibromyalgia, chemical sensitivities, food sensitivities, mold-related illness and more!

I also hope you can ignore my tendency to make up words in these videos. It turns out making up words is one of my special gifts. Talking is still difficult for me — my brain still has trouble with word recall and word scrambling — so dear friends, please overlook words such as "coinsisting" (consist + coincide = coinsist!). Or, if you are feeling spicy, begin implementing them in your daily life.

Come to think of it, conisist could be a helpful addition to your vocabulary!

Click HERE to watch part 1, "My Health History," or watch it below:

Click HERE to watch part 2, "What is DNRS?" or watch it below:

Click HERE to watch part 3, "My Progress," or watch it below:

Click HERE to watch part 4, "FAQs," or watch it below:

A very hopeful, light-filled Tuesday to you all, my friends!

I'm cheering for ya, Home Skillets.


UPDATE: For DNRS training tips, Health Warrior Encouragement, and Q&A livestreams, follow me on Instagram  @SarahJacksonPanther

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© by scj


  1. Dear Sarah, I can't wait to listen to your videos once I'm off the bus.
    BTW: I make up new words all the time. I call them "Annerisms."

    1. Ann, I'm glad to be in good company! Annerisms has such a nice ring to it. :) I hope the videos are helpful for your loved ones!

  2. I am so happy that you have experienced so much healing from DNRS. It's inspiring to me as I continue to retrain. I love seeing your bright smile in these videos. :)

  3. Thank you, Nicole! I do hope that DNRS is helping you in unimaginably exciting ways!!

  4. HI Sarah, I just found out about DNRS a few weeks ago and I am diving in today after watching the videos from Annie! Thank you for sharing your story and addressing some of those questions on YOU TUBE. I really appreciate it! I am so happy to hear how well you are doing as I too have been suffering for years! God bless you

    1. Hi Jacquelyn, I'm so glad you've found DNRS and are diving right in! I hope you see tremendous, exciting healing as you stick with the program. I'm praying for you this afternoon as you embark on this new journey. :-)


  5. Yesssssss on patronus metaphor. Brilliant! I'm going to think of it like that.

    1. VivekaJ, heheh, YES! The more you do the rounds, the easier they are -- even when the darkness is thick and inky. :) Keep at it!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Mandy, I went to reply to your comment but accidentally deleted it. Oh dear! Keep at it. I've been doing it a year and a half and still see improvement. And my big improvements didn't show up until 6-8 months in. Everybody's journey is different, and two weeks isn't enough time for a lot of people to see progress. You will though, if you keep at it with the hour a day, the popposites etc. And record your small progressions -- they are a huge encouragement!

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. andy, I went to reply to your comment but accidentally deleted it. Oh dear! Keep at it. I've been doing it a year and a half and still see improvement. And my big improvements didn't show up until 6-8 months in. Everybody's journey is different, and two weeks isn't enough time for a lot of people to see progress. You will though, if you keep at it with the hour a day, the popposites etc. And record your small progressions -- they are a huge encouragement!
